
Monitoring the access to public information in the National Police’s Head Department in Ivano-Frankivsk region

Ivano-Frankivsk, 29 December 2015 – Representatives of the Ombudsperson's Office and the UMDPL Association conducted a monitoring visit to the National Police's Head Department in Ivano-Frankivsk region to assess its compliance with the access to public information law.

IMG 1434-1024x765The monitoring group, which relies on a network of civic activists, set out key findings highlighting that the Department had failed to fulfil certain norms.
Monitors state that the Head Department's entrance is equipped with security cameras, and a building sign displays the institution name both in Ukrainian and English. However, the entrance is not accessible for people with limited mobility: one has to go up a flight of stairs to get to the lobby. Wheelchair access is not available. A bulletin board with face-to-face office hours and a mailbox for appeals are placed downstairs.
After climbing the stairs, one needs to cross the checkpoint (spinner) with a guard. The guard explained that the lobby was a room that does not have any room sign. Consequently, it is difficult to find this room without communicating with a guard. The room is equipped with places for waiting and work (benches, tables), an internal phone (without internal numbers indicated), and information stands. Monitors did not find a book of complaints, which should be easily available for visitors. The guard refused to provide the book, arguing that management permission is necessary. After an appeal to the management, the book was provided.
IMG 1454-e1451469429342As it turned out, the Head Department was not concerned with ensuring proper access to public information. A stand on access to public information was not available. Hence, there was no information either about the procedure for appealing against actions or inaction of law enforcement officers when considering information requests, or samples of their filling.
There was a separate stand on organizing face-to-face meetings with citizens, which displayed a schedule of and a venue for meetings. However, there was no information about contacts to send requests for information or data on a person or unit responsible for access to public information.
IMG 1466-1024x765There is no separate room for visitors to work with information requests, but there is a room for face-to-face meetings with citizens, where one can also work with documents. This room can be accessed only with the permission and accompaniment of the institution's staff. It was explained to the monitors that it was due to building planning and a ban to its redevelopment, because the building belongs to the architectural monuments.
The registry of the institution's public information is of particular note. It is available on the web-site of the Head Department, but the access to it in the institution's building is limited and can be obtained only with permission of a lawyer or management.
Monitors interviewed some staff on their knowledge on the right of access to information. The employees explained that they were not trained on access to public information and never participated in thematic seminars, which obviously affects the overall level of ensuring access to information in the Head Department of the National Police in Ivano-Frankivsk region.
The event was held with the support of the Democratization, Human Rights and Civil Society Development Programme, implemented by UNDP Ukraine and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.