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Kyiv, 8-10 July 2015 – The Open Government Partnership Coordination Council's working groups on preventing and combating corruption and introducing e-governance and developing e-democracy held meetings to discuss the status of the 2014-2015 Open Government Partnership Action Plan implementation, resolve a number of organizational issues, and elect the working group leadership.
Established in Ukraine in 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is aimed to increase the transparency of information and data to include citizens in decision-making processes, implement the highest standards of professional and fair conduct of civil servants, and expand public access to information and ICT.
However, after its launch, the OGP operations have eventually stalled due to many factors, including the government reboot. After updating its composition, the OGP Coordination Council recently held its
first meeting to analyze the state of the 2014-2015 and 2012-2013 OGP Action Plans implementation.
Among other things, the Council established six thematic working groups on:
• civic participation in public policy formulation and implementation;
• access to public information;
• preventing and combating corruption;
• improving the quality of administrative services;
• introducing e-governance and developing e-democracy;
• preparing the annual report on the OGP initiative implementation.
These working groups are expected to revitalize the OGP initiative, each one focusing in its own subject area chaired by two co-chairs from civil society and the government.
During their meetings, the working groups determined that they would monitor and evaluate the state of the 2014-2015 Action Plan implementation, address challenges and offer solutions, establish cooperation with parties responsible for OGP implementation in regions, inform the public about the initiative and its implementation through the media and the website of the initiative, prepare proposals for the upcoming 2016-2017 Action Plan.
The participation in the meetings of the working groups is open to invited representatives of executive authorities and civil society, who can also participate in working groups meetings via Skype. In addition, important meetings are to be broadcasted online.
The next meetings of the working groups are scheduled for September this year.