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Kyiv, 8 July 2015 – The Public Council under the State Agency for e-Governance in Ukraine held a meeting to discuss the draft policies to modernize the principles of electronic identification, electronic services, electronic interaction, and disclosure of official information in open data formats.
"Last year, Ukraine was not even included in the Open Data Barometer, the UN report on global progress toward open government and data transparency, whereas this year already the State Agency for e-Governance in Ukraine supported by UNDP is preparing an Open Data Readiness Assessment (ODRA) whilst working on the streamlining of European standards into Ukraine's legislation," said Halyna Kokhan, UNDP Good Governance Expert. Meanwhile, the open data maximum accessibility principle is applied to the recently amended Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information."
To enforce the law work, the State Agency for e-Governance in Ukraine drafted a Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of regulations on datasets to be published in the of open-form format". According to Dmytro Makovsky, Deputy Head of the Informatization and Information Society Development Office of the State Agency for e-Governance in Ukraine, the resolution will increase openness and transparency of public authorities, establish requirements for the regular provision and release of governmental data. Consequently, the participating in the event civil society representatives took active stance in contributing to adjustment of the resolution to their everyday experience of working with data and the government.
To coordinate all e-governance projects, the Agency presented public policy papers on developments in personal identification, as well as services to Ukrainian citizens via the Internet. Conversely, open data became the primary step of the Agency to plan and implement the subsequent reforms. The documents are available at:
Draft public policy papers prepared with financial support of the International Renaissance Foundation and expert assistance of the Reanimation Package of Reforms initiative.
Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of Regulations on datasets to be published in the form of open data" developed and discussed with support of UNDP in Ukraine.
For more information, please contact Euhen Chyzhyk at 050 804 0917,
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