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On Friday the venue of the Council of Ministers of Crimea hosted a cross-regional round table as to the prospects for the development of the civil society through adoption and implementation of oblast-level target programmes and implementation of the Law of Ukraine on public associations. The event served as an introduction to the conference "State of the art and challenges for the development of the civil society in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea".
Amongst participants of the round table were the Deputy head of the Secretariat for the Council of Ministers of Crimea, Vadym Mozhoviy, Member of Verkhvna Rada of Crimea, Valeriy Osypenko, specialists from the executive branch institutions, civil society leaders from Mykolayiv, Odesa, Kherson oblasts and the city of Sevastopol, as well as representatives of the academia. The round table was moderated by Maksym Latsyba, Programme Officer of the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research, and Andriy Krupnyk, Head of the Association for Promoting Citizen Self-Organization.
Illia Fiks, Head of the Department for Internal Policy and Public Relations, highlighted the first results of the Programme for fostering civil society development in the ARC for 2013 – 2015, which is supported by a budget of almost 1,7 UAH million. Amongst other things, a contest for the best initiative for civil society development was conducted and determined the Association of Political Scientists of Crimea as winner. Another contest amongst CSO projects allocated budget funds to its 5 winners for implementation of their initiatives.
The participants discussed how to better align the targeted programme's course and improve its implementation. Inter alia, UCIPR Expert, Anastasia Krasnosilska, presented promising practices for implementation of similar programmatic activities in other regions.
Andriy Krupnyk, in addition, noted that Crimea is traditionally characterized by a high level of civic participation in territorial development.
UNDP Expert and Chair of the "Autonomous Republic of Crimea Rural Development Agency" CSO, Ayder Seitosmanov, presented results of the research regarding development of the civil society in Crimea. Whereas the research indicated proactive interaction of CSOs between themselves, more systemic collaboration and citizen involvement are in need. Mr. Seitosmanov emphasized the training and communications activities conducted in this respect by the Council of Ministers of Crimea for the CSOs.
Round table participants also discussed the ways to overcome challenges that both state registration bodies and civic activists face while dealing with the new provisions of the Law on public associations. These difficulties have to do both with preparation of the required documents for registration and with filling in the state Roster of public associations. UCIPR Expert, Anastasia Shymchuk, in turn, presented info-posters and booklets that explain the process of public association registration.
The event in Crimea was organized by the national civic monitoring network on implementation of oblast-level programmes to promote civil society development with support from UNDP and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.