
The CSOs-hubs network will expand to 15 NGOs

9 civil society organizations, which are members of the hubs network under the UNDP support, provided consultations to 1751 local NGOs from different parts of Ukraine in 2017.

Regional civil society organizations have turned into powerful resource centers for local activists and NGOs in 9 regions of Ukraine. It became possible because of the UNDP approach to the CSO’s organizational development.

The hubs network will expand to 15 NGOs in total. However, 6 non-governmental organizations will have to go through the challenging process of the organizational development. In the end, they will become powerful CSOs hubs in their regions and full members of the hubs network under the UNDP support.

This week 9 hubs – CSO: Tochka Dostupu, Hrupa Vplyvu, Terytoriya uspikhu, Zhinochi perspektyvy, Tsentr hromadsʹkykh initsiatyv, Rivnensʹka oblasna hromadsʹka orhanizatsiya "Komitet vybortsiv Ukrayiny", Fond hromady mista Kherson "Zakhyst", MART, Tamarysk-  shared their lessons learnt with the less experienced civil society organizations, which are striving to grow at the working meeting, held in Lviv.

Organizational development of the civil society organization involves changes in the membership, improved financial sustainability, development of the internal procedures and policies, establishment of independent board and governance, strengthening advocacy and establishing cooperation with the local authorities.

More about the UNDP approach to the CSO’s organizational development: