
Discussion on the Open Government Partnership implementation in 2016-2018 is underway

Kyiv, 4 January 2016 – The Government of Ukraine started drafting the next national action plan for the continuous implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative in the country. It is assumed that the plan implementation will last from July 2016 to June 2018.

20150605-sliderAfter joining the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in 2011, through endorsing the Open Government Declaration, Ukraine committed to increasing the transparency of information and data to include citizens in decision-making processes, implement the highest standards of professional and fair conduct of civil servants, and expand public access to information and communications technology. Within the periodic obligations to the international community and its own citizens, every two years the Government of Ukraine develops a new action plan to promote fundamental OGP priorities.
Today marked the launch of the first stage of public discussions on the OGP implementation in 2016-2018aimed at collecting different stakeholders' opinions on the possible directions of the new OGP action plan.
During the first phase of discussions, there will be open meetings of the working groups of the OGP Coordination Council on the implementation of the Open Government Partnership in Ukraine, as well as events held by ministries, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, and the State Agency for e-Government of Ukraine. Also, it is planned to held discussions in different regions of Ukraine. The calendar of these events and updates about their progress will be reflected on the government website "Civil Society and Government."
In addition, anyone can submit their proposals by 15 February 2016 to the Information and Communications Department's Communications Unit at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Pakhno Anna, tel.: (044) 256-63-38). The form for proposals can be found here.
On the basis of all the proposals received during the discussions, a special working group of representatives of civil society, governmental agencies, and experts will draft an action plan. The second round of public discussions will start in the second quarter 2016.
The final action plan is to be approved in early summer. It will reflect the commitments of Ukraine for 2016-2018 in the following areas:
• promoting civil society, their participation in the formulation and implementation of public policy;
• ensuring access to public information;
• preventing and combating corruption;
• improving the quality of administrative and social services;
• implementing e-governance and developing e-democracy.
The initiative is supported by the Democratization, Human Rights and Civil Society Development Programme, implemented by UNDP Ukraine and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.