Do you still think that it is difficult for ordinary citizens to influence democracy development in Ukraine? Then you should definitely discover new opportunities offered by civic tech.
But what does “civic tech” actually mean? And how does it influence the citizen’s access to decision-making in Ukraine? We share the most interesting insights dedicated to civil tech shared during the Personal Democracy Forum.
On 29 October 2018 in Kyiv the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and UNDP Ukraine was signed.
The Merezhka (Network) shelter for women who have suffered from domestic violence in Cherkasy, in central Ukraine, has been uninhabitable in the cold winter months. Now the city council has allocated UAH 856,168 (about $31,000) for the renovation of its roof and installation of a heating system. What is more, Cherkasy Oblast Administration will support the women by providing social adaptation services.
On October 10, 2018 in Kyiv, 12 representatives from CSO-hubs learnt about volunteer management in the civil society organizations’ activities at the training, based on an adapted manual on volunteer management, developed by UNV and Ukrainian Volunteer Service with the UNDP support.
How to overcome impunity and human rights violations in the context of Russian aggression and the wider context, was is focus of today's meeting of human rights club with a theme "All about sanctions against Russia: is there a plan B for Ukraine?"
12 representatives of the Legal Development Network and the CSO-Hubs Network learn of the necessary methods to write a shadow report on Ukraine’s implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Training was held by the experts from Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union with UNDP support on October 1-2, 2018 in Kyiv.