Representatives of civil society and international experts gathered at the Reanimation Package of Reforms Forum held in Kyiv on May 22, 2019 to present the “Toronto Principles” — a strategic vision of how to ensure the longevity and tangibility of democratic reforms in Ukraine.
Kyiv, 27 May 2019 – Twenty-four public activists and 24 representatives of youth organizations from 18 oblasts of Ukraine mastered innovative methods for combating corruption at two anti-corruption schools held on May 21-24 in the town of Hlibivka, Kyiv Oblast.
Ukrainian Civil Society Organizations promoting disability rights took part in “CSO Reporting to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" on May 21-22 with UN support.
The General Assembly of the European Bureau of the International Council of Women to Update Women's Participation in Decision-Making was held May 19-23, 2019 in Kyiv-Chernihiv.
The conference, ‘The International Criminal Justice Cascade: From the ICC to the National Courts and Back' held on May 17, 2019, sought to answer difficult questions in the realm of human rights policy and justice for survivors.
Since joining OGP in 2011, Ukraine has successfully implemented three national action plans, which has led to breakthrough transformations in governance. And now, the Ukrainian Government and its civil society partners have started implementing the fourth action plan, adopted in December 2018.