Kyiv, 31 March 2016 – The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and UNDP in close cooperation with the Government of Ukraine are launching a new initiative to increase transparency and integrity in the public construction sector.
Kyiv, 21 March 2016 – A new Open Government Partnership (OGP) Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) report on Ukraine finds that despite recent political turmoil, notable progress has been made in passing laws to improve access to government held information. However, more efforts are needed to improve government accountability.
Kyiv, 18 March 2016 – The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine hosted the first meeting of the Monitoring Committee on the issues related to the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness, which Ukraine joined with an Action Plan prepared by the CSOs in cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the support of UNDP Ukraine.
Lviv, 17 March 2016 – Lviv Business School at Ukrainian Catholic University in partnership with UNDP Ukraine and Transparency International Ukraine launched the Anti-Corruption School for young activists from all over Ukraine.
Kyiv, 9 March 2016 – Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) Valeriya Lutkovska approved the Activity Plan to implement the National Human Rights Strategy up to 2020, which will ensure the continuous proactive monitoring of authorities' implementation of the Strategy by the employees of the Ombudsperson's Office.
Kyiv, 4 March 2016 – Government officials, civic activists, experts, journalists, and representatives of international organisations gathered to discuss Ukraine's roadmap for promoting open data development in the country.
Kyiv, 19 February 2016 – The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and UNDP officially announced the launch of their joint project "Strengthening Capacities of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in the framework of the launch of the UNDP Project "Strengthening Capacities of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" opens the floor to discussion "The National Human Rights Institution: from Good to Great", to debate on the following strategic issues:
Kyiv, 5 February 2016 – The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine endorsed the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness which places the country amongst the leaders of the global legislative openness movement.
Kyiv, 4 January 2016 – The Government of Ukraine started drafting the next national action plan for the continuous implementation of the Open Government Partnership initiative in the country. It is assumed that the plan implementation will last from July 2016 to June 2018.
Zaporizhia, 15 December 2015 – Regional Coordinator of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) in Zaporizhia region Volodymyr Pavlenko conducted a meeting with detainees in Zaporizhia pre-trial detention centre of the State Penitentiary Service in Zaporizhia region.
Kyiv, 4 December 2015 – The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine introduced the Open Data Service on the official website in its efforts to enable e-Parliament.
Kyiv, 26 November 2015 – The multi-stakeholder working group on open data held a meeting to discuss what should be done in Ukraine to move the open data agenda forward.
Kyiv, 23 November 2015 – The Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and international mental health care experts from the UK, the Netherlands, and Lithuania conducted site visits to psychiatric institutions to assess the current forensic psychiatry system in Ukraine.
Kyiv, 20 November 2015 – The country's biggest civil society forum welcomes more than 1,300 civic leaders, business people, and public officials to share and discuss innovative ideas and good practices of building capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs).
Kyiv, 9 November 2015 – The Regional Coordinator of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) took prompt measures to address race-based discrimination against an immigrant woman and helped restore her right to social security.
Kyiv, 29 October 2015 – The coordination meeting on Ukraine's joining the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness was held by Ukrainian MPs and civil society experts with the support of UNDP Ukraine.
Kyiv, 29 October 2015 – The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, also known as the Ombudsperson, along with the Institute of Applied Humanitarian Research presented the monitoring results of the Criminal Procedural Code implementation in Kyiv courts.
Kyiv, 22 October 2015 – Over 100 representatives from National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), leaders, human rights experts, and civic activists came together in Ukraine to sign and adopt a new declaration calling for a stronger role of NHRIs in conflict and post-conflict settings.
Kyiv, 21 October 2015 - The Cabinet of Ministers made a step forward on Ukraine's open data path and approved a resolution making 331 state datasets open for the public. UNDP has provided policy support on this issue and is committed to continue working closely with the civil society and the Government to help Ukraine become more transparent and democratic.