Kyiv, 7 April 2016 – Experts and civic activists from different regions of Ukraine participated in a meeting of the platform "Ombudsman Plus: the right to the access to public information" to discuss the issues of local authorities' openness and transparency, share experiences, and build cooperation between civil society and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.
Geneva, 23 March 2016 – Valeriya Lutkovska, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, and other representatives from over 100 national human rights institutions (NHRIs) met for their Annual Conference.
Kyiv, 9 March 2016 – Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) Valeriya Lutkovska approved the Activity Plan to implement the National Human Rights Strategy up to 2020, which will ensure the continuous proactive monitoring of authorities' implementation of the Strategy by the employees of the Ombudsperson's Office.
Kyiv, 19 February 2016 – The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and UNDP officially announced the launch of their joint project "Strengthening Capacities of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Irpin, 6 February 2016 – The 3-day annual strategic planning session for the Regional Coordinators of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) welcomed 27 regional representatives to plan their activity, share experiences and best practices.
Ivano-Frankivsk, 29 December 2015 – Representatives of the Ombudsperson's Office and the UMDPL Association conducted a monitoring visit to the National Police's Head Department in Ivano-Frankivsk region to assess its compliance with the access to public information law.
Perechyn, 25 December 2015 – The Ombudsperson's regional coordinators in Zakarpattia and Ternopil oblasts Oleh Hryhoriev and Volodymyr Shevchenko conducted a monitoring visit to Perechyn School for orphans and children deprived of parental care.
Zaporizhia, 15 December 2015 – Regional Coordinator of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) in Zaporizhia region Volodymyr Pavlenko conducted a meeting with detainees in Zaporizhia pre-trial detention centre of the State Penitentiary Service in Zaporizhia region.
Kyiv, 23 November 2015 – The Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and international mental health care experts from the UK, the Netherlands, and Lithuania conducted site visits to psychiatric institutions to assess the current forensic psychiatry system in Ukraine.
Kyiv, 9 November 2015 – The Regional Coordinator of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) took prompt measures to address race-based discrimination against an immigrant woman and helped restore her right to social security.
Kyiv, 29 September 2015 – Civic activists from different regions of Ukraine participated in the Openness of Law Enforcement System conference, organized by the Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors in Law Enforcement (UMDPL) and the Ombudsperson's Office with the support of UNDP Ukraine.
Kyiv, 28 September 2015 – The Ukrainian Ombudsperson's Office in cooperation with UNDP Ukraine and the Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors in Law Enforcement (UMDPL) hosted the all-Ukrainian Forum to mark the International Right to Know Day.
Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2-4 September – Representatives of Ukrainian government, civil society, UNDP Ukraine, Transparency International Ukraine, and Business Ombudsperson for Ukraine visited the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) to get hands-on experience in tackling corruption.
Geneva, 18 August 2015 – Mr. Bohdan Kryklyvenko, Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, presented the Ukrainian Ombudsperson's alternative report at the 14th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with the support of UNDP's Democratization, Human Rights and Civil Society Development Project.
Vinnytsia, 8-9 July 2015 – Regional Coordinators for public relations of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson), National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) monitors, human rights activists, and international organizations representatives took part in the first NPM Monitors' Forum.
Odesa, 30 June - 1 July 2015 – The second workshop in a series of capacity enhancement activities on public monitoring of the right of access to public information in law enforcement bodies was organized by the Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors (UMDPL Association) and the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) with support of UNDP Ukraine.
Kyiv, 24 June 2015 – The European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe (CoE) officially announced the launch of their joint project "Strengthening the implementation of European human rights standards in Ukraine" at the meeting with representatives of the government, civil society, and international organizations.
Kyiv, 23 June 2015 – The meeting with representatives of the courts was held to discuss the monitoring report on the implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine in Kyiv courts.
Kyiv, 16 June 2015 - The Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights hosted a meeting for civic activists and human rights defenders interested in preparing alternative reports to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The kick-off meeting was supported within the framework of UNDP's Democratization and Human Rights in Ukraine programme.
Kyiv, 8 June 2015 – The Office of the Ombudsperson held an interview with the pre-selected candidates for the positions of Regional Coordinators for public relations of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) in Zakarpattia, Zhytomyr, and Kherson regions. Now, the 11-strong network of regional coordinators has expanded by 3 additional regions in Ukraine.