Kyiv, 1 April 2016 – Software for the Unified State Register of declarations of the persons authorized to implement the functions of state and local self-government bodies was presented to the judges and the personnel of the Supreme Court of Ukraine who are required to fill their asset declaration forms in 2016.
Geneva, 23 March 2016 – Valeriya Lutkovska, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, and other representatives from over 100 national human rights institutions (NHRIs) met for their Annual Conference.
Kyiv, 17 March 2016 - The National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) gathered for its first full-fledged meeting as a plenipotentiary body. This became possible due to the final ruling of the relevant Selection Panel and yesterday’s motion by the Cabinet of Ministers to appoint Mr. Ruslan Ryaboshapka and Mr. Ruslan Radetskyy as two NAPC members. With 4 seats of the collegiate body occupied, the Agency may now take wing and commence its activities.
Kyiv, 15 March 2016 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and UNDP in Ukraine in close cooperation with the Government of Ukraine are launching a new project to help Ukraine prevent corruption.
Kyiv, 9 March 2016 – Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) Valeriya Lutkovska approved the Activity Plan to implement the National Human Rights Strategy up to 2020, which will ensure the continuous proactive monitoring of authorities' implementation of the Strategy by the employees of the Ombudsperson's Office.
Kyiv, 26 February 2016 – The President of Ukraine signed a Decree to promote civil society development in Ukraine during the meeting with representatives of civil society organisations.
Kyiv, 19 February 2016 – The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and UNDP officially announced the launch of their joint project "Strengthening Capacities of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Kyiv, 5 February 2016 – The National Agency for Prevention of Corruption is halfway to be fully staffed with its members through re-announcing call for 2 remaining positions.
Kyiv, 20 November 2015 – The country's biggest civil society forum welcomes more than 1,300 civic leaders, business people, and public officials to share and discuss innovative ideas and good practices of building capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs).
The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for funding for projects to advance and support democracy. Project proposals may be submitted on-line between 15 November 2015 and 31 December 2015 at You can find guidelines, FAQs and lessons learned from previous rounds at
Kyiv, 6 November 2015 – The national conference "Civil Society and State: Strategy for Cooperation and Development 2016-2020" brought together representatives of the government and civil society to discuss the revised National Strategy for Developing Civil Society over the next four years.
Kyiv, 22 October 2015 – Over 100 representatives from National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), leaders, human rights experts, and civic activists came together in Ukraine to sign and adopt a new declaration calling for a stronger role of NHRIs in conflict and post-conflict settings.
Kyiv, 21 September 2015 – The Ministry of Justice hosted a roundtable discussion on implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy and its Action Plan.
Kyiv, 8 September 2015 – The Working Group on the National Human Rights Strategy implementation held its first meeting to launch Ukraine's first-ever National Human Rights Action Plan (NAP).
Kyiv, 25 August - President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree approving the first National Human Rights Strategy ever developed in Ukraine. This comprehensive document provides a five-year roadmap to address both decades-old, systemic human rights issues and more recent conflict-related challenges that have followed Maidan's "Revolution of Dignity".
Kyiv, 28 August 2015 – The meeting on the re-election of CSO candidates for members of the selection panel of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) was held by the Ministry of Justice.
Kyiv, 12 August 2015 – The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution amending rules that steer the Selection Panel for picking 5 heads of the new anti-corruption watchdog – the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC). The decision came after protracted but fruitful negotiations between the Government of Ukraine (including first and foremost the Ministry of Justice and the Cabinet's Secretariat) and the representatives of civil society, which were facilitated by UNDP and the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
Kyiv, 10 July 2015 – The Center for Civil Liberties and Euromaidan SOS initiative presented the second edition of the report "Crimea. Chronicles of Occupation" featuring a chronology of the political persecution of civil society in the occupied peninsula.
Vinnytsia, 8-9 July 2015 – Regional Coordinators for public relations of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson), National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) monitors, human rights activists, and international organizations representatives took part in the first NPM Monitors' Forum.
Kyiv, 8-10 July 2015 – The Open Government Partnership Coordination Council's working groups on preventing and combating corruption and introducing e-governance and developing e-democracy held meetings to discuss the status of the 2014-2015 Open Government Partnership Action Plan implementation, resolve a number of organizational issues, and elect the working group leadership.