Kyiv, 4 March 2016 – Government officials, civic activists, experts, journalists, and representatives of international organisations gathered to discuss Ukraine's roadmap for promoting open data development in the country.
Kyiv, 9 December 2015 – UNDP Ukraine marks the International Anti-Corruption Day sharing some good practices, events, and publications that show the great effort being made at national and sub-national levels.
Kyiv, 22 October 2015 – Over 100 representatives from National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), leaders, human rights experts, and civic activists came together in Ukraine to sign and adopt a new declaration calling for a stronger role of NHRIs in conflict and post-conflict settings.
Kyiv, 28 September 2015 – The Ukrainian Ombudsperson's Office in cooperation with UNDP Ukraine and the Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors in Law Enforcement (UMDPL) hosted the all-Ukrainian Forum to mark the International Right to Know Day.
Sievierodonetsk, 15 September 2015 – UNDP's Democracy University (DemoVersity) attracted over 50 students and civic activists from eastern Ukraine to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Democracy.
Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2-4 September – Representatives of Ukrainian government, civil society, UNDP Ukraine, Transparency International Ukraine, and Business Ombudsperson for Ukraine visited the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) to get hands-on experience in tackling corruption.
Kyiv, 16 June 2015 - The Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights hosted a meeting for civic activists and human rights defenders interested in preparing alternative reports to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The kick-off meeting was supported within the framework of UNDP's Democratization and Human Rights in Ukraine programme.
26 March 2015, Kyiv – The Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival hosted a side event dedicated to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine.
25 March 2015, Kyiv - The International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Docudays UA hosted a presentation of the second issue of "Strategic litigation cases that change Ukraine" developed within the framework of UNDP "Democratization and Human Rights in Ukraine" project.
Kyiv, 16 March – to discuss the ways for open government data development in Ukraine, UNDP together with other bilateral partners supported the first international "Open Data Conference in Ukraine" which gathered over 100 representatives of state institutions, civic activists, international experts and other stakeholders.
12 March 2015, Geneva - During the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs (ICC), Ms. Valeria Lutkovska, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, was conferred an "A" status accreditation certificate, testifying for full compliance of Ukraine's National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) with the Paris Principles, approved by the UN General Assembly in 1993.
On 26 February, VII International Conference of Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum "Philanthropy and Volunteerism in Action: saving, reconciling and building the future" was held in Kyiv with the support of UNDP "Democratization and Human Rights in Ukraine" Project and other partners.
Over 200 people registered, over 100 present in-person and many more watching the webcast. So are the results of this Saturday's National Expert Discussion on Anticorruption organized by the Reanimation Package of Reforms and Transparency International Ukraine with support from the EU Delegation and the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Justice.