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Kyiv, 21 October 2015 - The Cabinet of Ministers made a step forward on Ukraine's open data path and approved a resolution making 331 state datasets open for the public. UNDP has provided policy support on this issue and is committed to continue working closely with the civil society and the Government to help Ukraine become more transparent and democratic.
Following the growing request from the public for openness, transparency, and accountability at all levels of the society,
UNDP was the first international organization in Ukraine that popularized the use of open government data at the national level. Open data support activities started as a small pilot initiative on disclosing municipal budgets. It grew later into a national-level initiative to stimulate state bodies to disclose public information in the open data format and eventually culminated in the adoption of the open data legislation.
More recently, UNDP in Ukraine has supported the government's initiative for assessment of Ukraine's readiness to work with open data and has commissioned an Open Data Readiness Assessment report. The preliminary findings have been already discussed with stakeholders (governmental agencies and CSOs). Based on the recommendations to follow, an Open Data Action Plan for Ukraine will be elaborated jointly by the ODRA experts and the Government by the end of 2015.
Along with the
adopted law, the
resolution launches the development of an open data infrastructure in Ukraine, implementing a system of open government data for almost all public authorities and public enterprises.
The data to be disclosed on the
National Open Data Portal include: Ukraine's regulatory framework, register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, register of administrative-territorial units, register of patents, register of medicines and medicine price, financial plans of state enterprises, unified register of sports facilities, cadastre of mineral deposits and displays.
The open data system ensures the highest level of transparency of state bodies and reduction of requests for information, because information is always at hand for citizens. In addition, a large number of electronic services based on open data should be available soon. As it was in other countries, endless opportunities for the creation of new electronic services based on open government data will open for Ukrainian IT developers. The Government is now fully committed to support IT open data projects aimed at Ukrainian people and Ukrainian business. Currently, the Government together with civil society organizations is developing a concept of the national incubator of IT open data projects.
"The state collects a lot of information. All this data is not the property of the Government or the Parliament; it belongs to the people of Ukraine. It is time to open it for 'internet-ised' Ukrainian society," said Denys Hurskyi, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine for open data.